What are the trends that will shape youth work? And what will youth work look like in 2050? These questions were tackled in the third episode of #EAYW podcasts, featuring Dr Alicja Pawluczuk – Digital Inequalities Researcher, Founder of the Digital Youth Work Research Hub at Leeds University.
Within our research project “Futures of Youth Work,” we aim to explore emerging and future societal developments relevant to young people and youth work and to develop scenarios for the future of youth work. A part of our research involved interviewing experts from various fields about future developments and their potential impact on youth work.
The guest of the third episode is Dr Alicja Pawluczuk – Digital Inequalities Researcher, Founder of the Digital Youth Work Research Hub at Leeds University.
In her interview, Alicja shared some of the important trends she observes, and the focus was put on the digitalization aspect. She mentioned that one of the myths we need to break is the one that young people are digitally literate because they grew up with technology, but also emphasized the importance of democracy and different values.
These are just some of the topics covered in this second episode! Check it out and enjoy the interview!