The European Academy on Youth Work aims to promote the development of quality youth work and to support its capacity to react to current and future developments. To this end, it focuses on supporting innovation in youth work, as a response to the trends, challenges and uncertainties faced by young people in today’s fast-changing societies. The EAYW offers a platform for exchange and knowledge gathering on trends and developments in and with relevance to the youth field in Europe, and on innovative youth work responses to these trends and developments.
The 3rd European Academy on Youth Work event took place from 14th to 17th of May 2024, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. While we are preparing the report and other materials from the Academy event for publication, we invite you to read the daily blogs below and check out the videos and live-streams on the EAYW FB or Instagram pages and Youtube.
UPCOMING: 3rd EAYW webinar 3: Looking Forward, Together. 12 September 2024, 10 – 12 CEST.