“Recognising larger trends, seeing interconnections with youth work” is the title of our second webinar of the European Academy on Youth Work webinar series. During this webinar, we will look at trends in society and youth and we will explore how these trends influence and can be influenced by youth work.

Date: 16th December, 9.30 (10.00) – 12.00 CET
We are thrilled to have Dr. Peter Merry as our webinar guest. Peter works for Ubiquity University, where he is overseeing learning and innovation for change-makers; combining learning and social innovation, informed by an integral perspective and game design. Here you can find more information: https://petermerry.org/, https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/.
Accordingly, Peter will be sharing his insights on the larger societal and youth-related trends that might be influencing the lives of young people, as well as those working with young people in the field of youth work.

Moments of exchange among participants will allow you to draw on the reflections of the first webinar, Peter Merry’s presentation and your and the other participants’ experiences in youth work, on questions such as: How ready are we to zoom out and recognise these larger trends? And how do we see youth work moving forward and responding to these trends?