We are excited to announce a special edition of #EAYW podcast, which will be premiered on Friday, February 4, 2022, on our Facebook page at 11:00 Central European Time (CET).


This week, we have published the final report of our Study on Innovation in Youth Work, which focuses on innovation and factors that can support or hinder the innovation process. And we are excited to publish a special edition of our #EAYW podcast where we will be talking with the three researchers!


How is innovation perceived in the youth work sector? What is the innovation ecosystem? And what factors are important for innovation in youth work? What can hinder innovation practices? And how to sustain innovation? These are some questions we discussed with Dragan Atanasov, Michelangelo Belletti and Federica Demicheli. 


We kindly invite you to join us on our Premiere on our Facebook page and listen to what Dragan, Michelangelo and Federica can tell us about their insights from the research. 


Interested to find out more about our researchers? Read more about them down below!

Dragan Atanasov is a trainer, researcher, evaluator and author, specialized in youth work recognition, youth policy, cultural diversity and community development. He has over ten years of experience in conducting research and assessments in the field of youth work, designing and delivering non-formal education activities, developing policy documents, and monitoring and evaluating programmes.

Michelangelo Belletti is a trainer, youth worker and social entrepreneur. He has been working on non-formal education, skills recognition and social innovation for more than 30 years. Active in educational research since 2016 with research at national and international level, he has recently completed PhD studies in pedagogy. He’s a member of Relint (research centre for intercultural relationships) of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan.

Federica Demicheli is a trainer and expert in youth work and youth policy and vice president of NINFEA (Italian national association of youth workers) with a specialization in recognition of youth work, non-formal learning and volunteering. She has over 20 years of experience in international youth work projects, specially within SouthMed cooperation, and over 10 years of experience in conducting research in the field of youth work and supporting the design of monitoring and evaluation tools.


See you on our Facebook premiere on Friday, February 4 at 11:00 CET! 


Interested to find out more about Study on Innovation in Youth Work? Click HERE to find the Study, annexes and other relevant information!