What societal trends will shape the future of youth work until 2050? What kind of environmental and technical trends will shape the future of youth work in the coming years? Are there any emerging practices that have the potential to grow and contribute to the future of youth work? These are questions we will be tackling in our new season of EAYW podcasts!
Within our research project “Futures of Youth Work,” we aim to explore emerging and future societal developments of relevance for young people and youth work, and to develop scenarios for the future of youth work. One part of our research involved interviewing experts from various fields about future developments and their potential impact on youth work.
We are excited to bring a few key points made by our experts during these interviews to you. The videos will range from five to ten minutes in length, allowing you to watch them at your convenience. We will publish interviews every two weeks, focusing on future developments of youth work.
So, let’s kick off with our first interview! The guest of our first #EAYW podcast is Peter Merry, Co-founder & Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, who has shared with us his perspective on how to engage with the future and the trends that could influence youth work. He also highlighted examples of good practice that have the potential to grow.
Take a look and enjoy the interview!