Are you curious to find out more about the third EAYW event, which was held in May 2024 in Slovenia, and the outcomes of the discussions among the 200 participants related to future(s) in youth work? We invite you to take a look at the event report that has just been published!
During two and a half days, experts and participants explored how trends like technology, climate change, mental health, and demographic shifts will shape youth work in the years to come.
“Understanding the future requires entering the world of young people, listening to them, and understanding life from their perspective. Youth work should be holistic and representative, adapting to evolving societal norms and global challenges”, stated one of the concluding remarks highlighted in the report, written by Nik Paddison.
Over 60 pages, the report gives a summary of the whole event and takes a look at the diverse practices that contribute to future(s) thinking and often combine elements of youth work, youth research and youth policy, which were presented at the event. The report looks into specific aspects discussed by the participants, such as the methodology of future(s) thinking, future thinking mindset, needed skills and competences of youth workers and what could be the future scenarios of youth work.
“One of the issues that was talked about a lot throughout the EAYW was the need for support for youth workers (…) In order to meet the challenges ahead, in order to keep being open to future foresight work, there needs to be support. The participants, contributors and speakers divided this topic into several areas. Self-support, support systems and mutual support”, was also one of the important findings in the report.
We encourage you to use the observations and conclusions of the third EAYW event elaborated in this report as a basis for further reflection and discussion in your group or organisation.
If you don’t have time to read the whole 60 pages, we invite you to read the concluding reflections of the event, on the last four pages of the report. You can also start by taking a look at the section that catches your attention the most and continue from there!
Enjoy reading!