We wish you a warm welcome to our fourth podcast with Diana Yeghiazaryan, youth worker and international secretary at the Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia – FYCA, the biggest youth organization in Armenia, and vice-president of the European Confederation of Youth Clubs – ECYC. Diana, as a young person, has significant experience in the youth work sector on the national and international level. Find out more about Diana here.

In this podcast, we are dealing with topics related to youth clubs and youth work in Europe and in Armenia in general. We are exploring what are the specifically needs of young people in Armenia, who were affected by the recent war, but also what are youth organisations doing to tackle this issues. We are discussing innovation and why is it important for the youth sector! Quite a lot of topics in 20 minutes!
We invite you to share your comments and reactions with us on our social media – we are open to any suggestions!
If you are interested to watch our previous podcasts, find them here!
Enjoy the podcast with Diana and see you with a new EAYW podcast episode after the summer!