2nd – 5 th November 2021 | Portorož, Slovenia


Do you want to learn more about innovation and current trends in youth work? Would you like to explore with colleagues from the European youth work field innovative practices and what is needed to implement and support them? Join us at the 2nd EAYW!


The 2nd edition builds on the experiences of the first EAYW event, but also intends to go a step further. Emphasis will be put on learning about the mechanisms that can spark, sustain and support innovation in youth work, as a response to the challenges and changing realities faced by societies and young people in Europe. The 2nd EAYW also takes into account the outcomes of current research on innovation in youth work carried out by the EAYW.


The 2nd EAYW will offer a space for knowledge-building through peer learning and exchange, and networking, in particular:

  • To jointly explore what are the main challenges and trends in and of relevance for youth work that are calling for and leading to new, innovative and creative approaches and developments;
  • To showcase and mainstream innovative practices, approaches, concepts and strategies developed in response to these challenges and trends;
  • To find out more about how innovation evolves in youth work, and which conditions are needed by young people, youth workers, organisations working with young people and other relevant stakeholders to spark and sustain innovative and impactful approaches, practices or strategies and
  • To produce outcomes of the reflections and discussions during the event, which will help to build knowledge as a field and support further developments related to innovation in youth work.


Concretely, participants will be able to attend workshops of their choice where they will explore the development (looking at the process behind the product) of innovative examples of practice from different fields and contexts of youth work, research and policy and addressing a variety of themes and target groups. The learning from these workshops will be taken further in other discussion spaces. It should contribute to learning about how innovation can be understood and what actions might be needed to further support it. 


The EAYW targets youth workers and professionals from all fields related to youth work practice, policy and research. 


Interested? Check out the call for participants and the draft programme outline by clicking HERE.

Apply by 8th September!