Do you want to reflect and discuss with colleagues from the European youth work field trends and innovation in youth work, how to implement and support it, and how to get youth work ready for the challenges of the future? If your answer is “yes”, you might be happy to hear that we have reopened the Call for participants to recruit additional participants for the residential Academy, which will take place from 31 May – 3 June 2022 in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
The 2nd EAYW event will offer a space for knowledge-building through peer learning and exchange, and networking, in particular:
- TRENDS: To jointly explore what are the main challenges and trends in and of relevance for youth work that are calling for and leading to new, innovative and creative approaches and developments;
- RESPONSES: To showcase and mainstream innovative practices, approaches and strategies developed in response to these challenges and trends;
- INNOVATION: To find out more about how innovation evolves in youth work, and which conditions are needed by young people, youth workers, organisations working with young people and other relevant stakeholders to spark and sustain innovative and impactful approaches, practices or strategies and
- FUTURE SUPPORT: To produce outcomes of the reflections and discussions during the event, which will help to build knowledge as a field and support further developments related to innovation in youth work.
The EAYW aims to be inclusive and participatory in its approach and to give a voice to contributions representing the diverse levels, environments and stakeholders in youth work. Furthermore, it promotes cross-sectorial and multi-perspective approaches involving youth work practice, research, and policy, which have proven vital to successfully address identified developments or challenges. Reflection based on different perspectives should help to identify responses to trends that could be taken up by different roles.
We are inviting experienced youth workers, paid and/or volunteers, and representatives of NGOs, as well as professionals in areas with relevance for the youth sector, such as: representatives of youth work policies and public services, National Agencies and other youth work structures, trainers and educators in the field of youth work (education) and other professionals from related fields of science and research.