In the European Academy on Youth, we want to support the professional development of youth workers and other professionals in youth work practice, policy and research. For this reason, we are excited to invite you to a series of three webinars on the topic of “Emerging trends and developments and their impact on youth work in Europe”


The series will start with the first webinar: “Futures of Youth Work”, on the 21st of March 2024 from 10.00 – 12.00 CET.


5 people giving each other a high five all togetherThe first online event webinar will gather actors in the youth field to explore the futures of youth work. This will be an interactive webinar to discuss the first outcomes of the ongoing research “Futures of Youth Work”, which started in September 2023. You will be the first to get to know some preliminary findings on how the futures of youth work might look like in different time horizons by 2050. In addition, there will also be an opportunity to reflect on the connections between the possible futures and the present realities of youth work.  


The webinar series “Emerging trends and developments and their impact on youth work in Europe” will be facilitated by Darko Markovic, Anita Silva and Sabrina Apitz.


We welcome all participants that are professionals (including volunteers) in youth work or in a field related to it from across Europe and beyond. Calls for registration will be opened for each webinar separately. You can register for one webinar at a time. The webinars build on each other but are also stand-alone activities. You can join one session only, or two or all of them.


If you are interested, you are welcome to register by filling in the attached application form HERE