Welcome to the Resonance space of the “Futures of Youth Work” research!


If you are interested in youth work and what youth work might look like in the future, you are in the right place!


The starting point for such reflection is the future foresight research project entitled “Futures of Youth Work”. The research project is an integral part of the European Academy on Youth Work which creates online and physical spaces to support youth work’s innovation and development.


The purpose of the Futures of Youth Work research is twofold:


‘To generate valuable knowledge about the potential trajectories of youth work in Europe, and to generate stimulating conversations around that topic. The aim is to conceptualise plausible ‘trends’ that could steer youth work over the next 25 years and sense what it might look like in 2050. By exploring a broad range of uncertainties and mapping out potential outcomes, the project seeks to identify possible future challenges, changes and needs. Its ambition is to equip youth workers, youth work practitioners and policymakers with proactive and actionable recommendations, effectively guiding their present actions in preparation for future scenarios.’

(The ‘Futures of Youth Work’ research report)



So, the research should not be seen as a future-telling crystal ball, but rather as a conversation starter about how youth work might evolve in the future, considering the societal trends and changing needs of young people.

What can you find here at the Resonance space? What is the invitation?

First, you can download the complete research report, or you may engage with different parts of the report. Secondly, you will also find a growing toolbox about future literacy and how to host conversations about the futures of youth work in your context. There will also be a share section where you will be invited to share your reflections and experiences in working with the report findings. Finally, there will be a section with the announcements of the resonance events, where you will be able to meet other youth workers and interested people, both in online webinars and residential workshops.


The sections ‘toolbox’ and ‘share’ of the Resonance space will be growing step by step, so stay tuned!

Download the complete research report