Photo by Joonas Brandt
Youth homelessness is a growing phenomenon in Finland and especially in the capital region. A growing number of young adults are struggling with a complicated service system. The Youth Shelters and Pathway home project offers solutions making growing up easier for these young adults.
This Red Cross service gives personal and low threshold support for the youth and their families. The support model helps young adults to build their own independent way of living and to find their full potential. The work is based on the dialogic method, where the young person is the main actor and solutions will be found together.
Feedback from the young people has been positive. The image of the work makes it easy for newcomers to join and find their own role in the community. More and more homeless young people are finding their own home and a stable life situation. The strength of the service is its flexibility, dialogic working method and resource orientation.
More information can be found on and
Also, you can find more information in the leaflet below! Don’t forget to check it out!